D1Stanislav GrofNávrh zásadní revize psychiatrie, psychologie a psychoterapieBetlémská kaple, Praha, srpen 2014
D5PBSP DOC film 8, Petra 12012
D6PBSP DOC film 9, Ivo 12012
D7PBSP DOC film 10, Kate 12012
D8PBSP DOC film 11, Michal 12012
D9PBSP DOC film 12, Alzbeta 12012
D10ROSA1993 - 2013 - 20 let pomoci ženám obětem domácího násilí2013
D11A. Pessokrabička se 7 DVD24.11.2010
D12Albert Pessolecture during workshop24.11.2007
D13PessoBlack Hawk Down 2/2
D14Albert PessoTo Become Who We Really Are1999
D15Radkin HonzákChcete se stát psychiatrem?!CD
D16David BoadellaInterviewed by Sally Potterříjen 2001
D17David BoadellaBuilding bridges between feeling, thought and action29th October - 1st November 2010
D18The Milne InstituteMastery in the healing arts - Craniosacral class, Intermediate oneBremen 92 - kazeta
D19The Milne InstituteMastery in the healing arts - Craniosacral class, Intermediate II.Bremen 92 - kazeta
D20The Milne InstituteMastery in the healing arts
D21David BoadellaInterwiewed by Sally PotterBIosynthesis